Buy Membership -GoFAN pass!!
Attention ALL 2025 graduating seniors. The St. Charles North Athletic Booster Club will award a total of five $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors in the class of 2025. Applicants for these scholarships must have participated in a sport for at least two years and must rank in the upper one-half of the senior class at the end of the seventh semester, and applied to at least one college, vocati
Get you Booster GoFAN pass before the first home game! Don't pay $$$ at the gate. Entrance to ALL HOME games is FREE and when North plays East at East. 100% of Booster Memberships fund the Athletic Booster Club. Your donation helps to support concessions, scholarships, coaches request, leadership programs, Hudl system, school athletic improvements and more. We need your help to continue to support the athletes at North. If you pay $$$$ at the gate, district 303 gets those funds NOT Boosters. Sign up NOW! GoFAN - click to buy
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