


SCN Athletic Booster Club

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Athletic Scholarship Application OPEN


Attention ALL 2025 graduating seniors. The St. Charles North Athletic Booster Club will award a total of five $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors in the class of 2025. Applicants for these scholarships must have participated in a sport for at least two years and must rank in the upper one-half of the senior class at the end of the seventh semester, and applied to at least one college, vocational school, or other post high school institution. Applicants will be judged on leadership, character, school and community service, academic achievement, and activities. Factors impacting selection may include your ability to follow application guidelines, spelling, grammar and punctuation, originality, merit of written essays and strength of recommendation letter. Each applicant must write one essay as directed within the application, be supported by one letter of recommendation to be completed by an adult other than a parent who knows the student well. (Examples include employers, family friends, teachers, or coaches outside of St. Charles North). Each application must select a coach at St. Charles North in the sport or activity in which the applicant has participated in to complete the ‘Coach’s Scholarship Input Form’ that will serve as a second recommendation. Scholarship winners will be announced at the Senior Awards Night. Any applicant receiving a full athletic scholarship from a post high school institution will be ineligible to receive this scholarship.

All names will be removed from application for anonymity prior to review by the selection committe that will consist of coaches, athletic booster club representatives, administration and teachers. Application deadline is APRIL 1, 2025. Winners annouced at Senior Awards Night.

Click HERE for application or scan QR code.

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